
September 28, 2012

An Idiot Abroad 2

The Space Simulator at “Star City”, near Moscow

Did you see An Idiot Abroad on Sky this week? Personally I wasn’t sure what to expect, but there was actually only limited footage shot on the train itself.

From what I could see Karl wasn’t on Train no. 4 as I had expected he might be – the first class wasn’t the SV (“luxury”) type.. you can tell as it would have had a chair and a door to a shared bathroom between two compartments.. I suspect second and third class were quite similar though. Train no. 6 perhaps? I liked the look of the Russian restaurant car – that looked very plush and modern – maybe I wont have to live on Pot Noodles for the whole trip.. (I have a post coming up on my ideas for what food to bring!).

If you saw Karl in the G Force simulator – I understand “Star City” is only about 25 km outside Moscow (officially known as the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center), so it was a bit staged getting on the train then off so soon.. They do tours there most days if you fancy trying that yourself. See the Rusadventures or the Bestrussiantour websites. Personally I’m going to leave astronaut training to the space men and stick to the train on my trip, but for those after a thrill, you can go for a flight in anything up to a MIG 29 for a sub orbital space flight. Prices start at a pant wetting $30,000 for 25 minutes!


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